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If business development is all about meeting people, then I’m going to be doing more classic customer development and «get out of the office.» My plan to promote AgilityFeat’s development services and our upcoming DareToBeLean workshop are to visit some major entrepreneurial cities and meet as many VC’s and entrepreneurs as I can.

I’m going to use the tag «BizDev Travels» on this blog and write about some of the experiences.  I likely won’t write about many of the individual meetings I will do, but more about the groups and meetups that I visit which are publicly available to anyone.

I just finished up a couple of days in the Boston and Cambridge area, which I will likely visit again soon.  Up next is Philadelphia, Dallas, Raleigh Durham, Charlotte and Washington DC.  Do you have a venture group or entrepreneurs meetup you recommend?  Let me know and perhaps I can add it in!